Development Capital Resources (DCR) is focused on non-operated and structured equity investments in the energy space. DCR has been involved in over $1.2 billion of non-operated and structured equity investments since formation in 2017.

DCR Investment Focus


De-Risked Development Drilling: partner with high quality-operators to fund de-risked development drilling or purchase non-operated AFEs

Producing Acquisitions: purchase non-operated PDP wellbores or producing non-operated assets

Structured Equity Solutions: partner with high-quality operators to provide structured equity solutions to accomplish financial or strategic objectives

DCR’s investment focus is basin and commodity agnostic within the United States

Current and Historical Investments

$750 million midstream and infrastructure joint venture with California Resources Corporation at Elk Hills Field

$300 million development joint venture in the Permian Basin

$100 million development joint venture in the Permian Basin

$100 million development join venture in the STACK